Tracks aren't appearing in your playlist

There are a few reasons why tracks may not be appearing in your playlist. 

Tracks may disappear from playlists due to the track being made private or removed from SoundCloud. 

The playlist is public, but the tracks are private

If your tracks are private, they cannot be seen by anyone except the file owner unless you have been given explicit permission and given a 'Secret Link'. 

You're over your plan's upload limit

Basic and Pro plans have limits on the total amount you can upload. When you downgrade from a plan that provided a higher limit than your current plan, your oldest tracks are hidden from listeners in order to align your available tracks with your available upload space. If you visit your Tracks page you will be able to access hidden tracks.


Track was removed due to copyright infringement 


Whenever a track is blocked for copyright reasons, you should receive both an email and an on-site message to alert you. Follow the 'More info' link from your Tracks page if the track should not have been taken down, and you would like to dispute or learn more about the removal.  

Please note: SoundCloud only accepts or reviews disputes made through our Disputes form, and not through email support. 


Deleted or private tracks from other users

If you have a playlist with tracks from other users in it, it may be that the other user decided to delete, or make their track private. This will remove it from your playlist. 


Troubleshooting mobile apps

That said, if you can see that tracks which have gone missing from your playlist are still active on SoundCloud, you could take the following steps:

  • On mobile
    • Go to your playlist, or to your collection, and swipe down the page to refresh
    • If the above does not work; please delete the cache on your device
    • If neither of the above work; please try deleting and re-installing the app


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