Changing privacy settings when uploading a track

When you upload a track to SoundCloud as a Basic or Artist Pro subscriber you have two basic availability options: Public and Private. As an Artist Pro user, you have the option to schedule your uploads: to choose the date and time when your tracks become live. The scheduled releases feature is currently only available on web. 


Differences between public and private tracks

Public means anyone can listen to your track, and it will show up immediately on your SoundCloud profile page and your followers’ Streams.

Your private tracks are hidden from your followers after upload. You can then decide to share them exclusively via private links. Private tracks won't show up on your public profile and can't be searched for within SoundCloud.

A scheduled track will remain private until the date which you have specified in the settings after which it will go public. The "posted on" date and relative timestamp on the track card are based on your local time. 


How to change your privacy settings

To change the sharing settings of your track, click on the bubble next to the word ‘private’, ‘public' or ‘scheduled’  and click save.

Note: Once your track has gone live it cannot be scheduled.

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