Embedding a SoundCloud Go Track
On SoundCloud
SoundCloud Go tracks are only available as 30-second previews in embedded players. As it is not possible to sign in to an embedded player, SoundCloud cannot recognize if you have a SoundCloud Go subscription to give you access to the full track.
To listen to the entire track with a SoundCloud Go subscription, simply click the SoundCloud icon on the top right of the embedded player to listen from SoundCloud.com while signed into your account.
On Facebook
Sharing the link to a SoundCloud Go track on Facebook (Web) will create a visual embed containing a 30-second preview of the track. Hitting 'Listen on SoundCloud' will take you to the track on SoundCloud.
Note: from a mobile device, any Facebook embed will appear as a regular redirect card that will take you to the track on the SoundCloud app, if you have it installed, or to the Google Play/Apple App Store.