Additional podcasting stats through Podtrac or Feedburner
If you are interested in tracking more information about your listeners and subscribers, we recommend using Feedburner or Podtrac for additional stats. Podtrac and Feedburner work differently in how they collect stats from your SoundCloud RSS feed, so please read the instructions below carefully.
Podtrac Users
You can redirect your SoundCloud RSS link to iTunes from Podtrac through the Stats Service URL Prefix section of your Content Settings page. Read more about setting this up here.
Please note: The Redirect URL section is only for Podtrac users. You should not fill in the Redirect URL section with anything but ''. Putting anything else (such as a FeedBurner link or website address) will break your RSS feed.
Feedburner Users
If you are using Feedburner, run your SoundCloud RSS feed through Feedburner and then submit the Feedburner RSS feed directly to iTunes. Do not put your Feedburner RSS feed into the Redirect URL section of your Content Settings page.