Submitting your RSS feed to Apple Podcasts

Before you actually submit your feed to Apple Podcasts, please review the Setting up your RSS feed Help Center section to ensure that you have followed all requirements needed. 

Once you have made sure that your RSS feed is customized to your liking, make sure that it is a valid feed by copy-pasting the RSS feed from your Content Settings page here.

If your feed is valid, follow the steps below to submit your RSS feed to Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or TuneIn: 


  1. Go to your Content Settings page
  2. Copy your RSS feed URL
  3. For Apple Podcasts, submit your RSS podcast feed URL to the Apple Podcasts Connect. (note: If you don’t already have Apple Podcasts installed, you will need to download it). In Apple Podcasts Connect, click the Add (+) button and select "New Show". Then, choose “Add a show with an RSS feed" and enter the RSS feed URL.
  4. Submit your feed to Stitcher
  5. Submit your feed to TuneIn


I've submitted my RSS feed, how long will it take to get accepted?

SoundCloud is a hosting company, and has no influence on whether or not Apple Podcasts will accept your RSS feed. Apple generally accepts feeds within 24 hours to 2 weeks. If you have not heard back from them within this time range, please reach out to them directly. 

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