I'm having trouble saving changes to my Display Name or Profile URL

Display Name

Right now, it is not possible for us to fully support the use of emojis or unicode within Display Names. If you are trying to use special characters within your Display Name, and are having issues with saving these profile settings, it is likely because we do not support your chosen characters.

We also have a maximum limit of 50 characters for Display Names. If you are hitting this limit, your Display Name will not save properly.

Profile URL

Profile URLs can only have numbers, small letters, underscores, and hyphens. If you are using spaces or special characters in your Profile URL, you will be unable to save your changes.

We also have a minimum of 3 and maximum limit of 25 characters for Profile URLs. If you are hitting this limit, your Profile URL will not save properly.


First and Last Name

Similar to Display Names, it is not possible for us support the use of emojis or unicode within first and last name fields. These fields are designed to provide your real or artist name if you so choose. 
We have a maximum limit of 35 characters for first and for last name fields. If you are hitting this limit, these changes will not save properly.  
Please note: it is not possible to use ‘soundcloud’ in your URL. 


We have a maximum limit of 35 characters for the city field. If you are hitting this limit, these changes will not save properly. 

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