The Profile URL I want is taken

SoundCloud profile URLs are unique. This means if the URL you want has already been claimed, you will need to select a different one. We recommend trying to add words such as “music”, “band” or separating different words by ‘-’ or ‘_’ to create a unique URL of your own.

You can try sending a message to the member, asking them to change their details. However, we cannot make any changes to their account if they decline or do not respond.

If you get an error message or are unable to save changes when trying to register a URL that appears not to be in use and you’ve gone through the troubleshooting steps here, it may be that the URL has been suspended and cannot be released on our side.

Please note: if you believe your desired Profile URL is in use by somebody impersonating you, you can report it here. If you own the live registered trademark to this name, you can find out more about what you can do here.

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