Reporting pornographic content

Pornography is content that is predominantly sexual in nature, or that could be perceived as an aid to sexual gratification is not allowed on the SoundCloud platform. This includes, but is not limited to, images containing nudity and recordings or detailed descriptions of sexual acts. 

Reporting pornographic content

If you would like to report pornographic content, please provide us with the following details through the contact button below this article:

  • The URL of the account you want to report
  • Links to the content to be reviewed e.g. track URLs
  • A brief explanation of how the content violates our Terms or Guidelines

**Please note we are currently seeing a series of pornographic spam accounts. These are fake accounts created to use SoundCloud profiles to redirect people to external websites, such as through their profile descriptions, messages or comments. If you come across these types of accounts please report them using our on-site Spam Report feature. This will help our team more quickly identify and remove this fake activity. 



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