Adding or changing a genre or tags on your tracks

Individual tracks

You can change, add, or remove tags from your track through the edit page. You can access your track's edit page at any time through the pencil icon below it's waveform. 




With the genre field you can add the main genre of your track, this will act as the first tag on your track. You have the option to select a genre from the list already included, which are the same as the genres in our charts feature, or enter your own custom genre. You can also add a tag by typing it into the 'Tags' field. If you have multiple tags, the first one will be considered your main tag, or genre. This will appear on the Stream and Search pages on your track’s waveform. 


Multiple tracks

You can add tags for multiple tracks at once through the Tracks page

Click on the tracks you would like to change the artwork for, and click ‘Edit tracks’ and choose ‘Privacy and tags’ from the dropdown:



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