Technical requirements

Using SoundCloud has minimum system requirements. We support the following browser, iOS and Android versions listed here: 


  • Chrome >= 49
  • Firefox >= 47
  • Edge >= 18
  • Safari 10.1

Mobile Operating Systems: 

  • iOS 14.0 or later (please note that we do not support beta operating systems)
  • Android 8 (Oreo) or later

If you are using an older browser and/or computer, you might encounter difficulties so we'd always recommend you keep things up to date. We do encourage users to use Google Chrome or Firefox to have the best SoundCloud experience. 

To download the latest version of your browser, click the corresponding link below:


Technical Requirements for New Track Manager Page

We've recently launched an update to the SoundCloud Track Manager page. This new page has different technical requirements - the new page is supported on desktop only with the following browser versions:

  • Chrome >= 90
  • Edge >= 91
  • Firefox >= 78
  • Safari >= 14
  • Opera >= 76


What if I want to use a different browser, like Tor?

Please note that debugging issues with Tor is out of scope for support staff.

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