Artists Shortcuts on Web

Shortcuts to your favorites artists so you can immediately get their latest drops as soon as they are posted, directly on your home page.




How do I get updates?

Follow at least two of your favorite artists.


How often will I get an update?

You’ll get an update every time the creators you follow posts and reposts.


Does the track automatically play or do I need to click it on? 

The track preview will autoplay once you click on the artists’ avatar.


How can I play the full track?

By clicking on the story, you can listen to the full track in the player.


What else can I do in the story? 

You can like the track, repost it and add it to a playlist.

How do I get to the next update?

The next update will autoplay and you can also click the right arrow/clickthrough to preview all other updates.


What happens after I click on an update?

The orange unread indicator will go away to indicate that it was read.


Can I mute updates?

You cannot mute updates from artists you are following.


I no longer have the module

Your updates expire after 7 days and if you do not have new updates, the module will go away until new updates are available, so make sure you follow all of your favorite artists to improve the likelihood of consistent updates.


Please note: Shortcuts are also available on iOS and Android, more information can be found here.


For Creators/Uploaders


How do I select the portion of my track I’d like to be previewed?

During the upload of your track (or later, by editing your track), you can navigate to the Advanced tab of the upload module and drag the rectangle on screen to the 20 second clip you’d like to use as your Stories preview.




If I don’t select a specific portion of my track to be previewed in Stories, what will the default audio selection be?

50 seconds except for Go+ paywalled tracks and tracks shorter than 90 seconds, where the start time is at 00:00

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