High Quality streaming
Where is High Quality streaming available?
High Quality streaming is currently available to SoundCloud Go+ subscribers only.
What is the quality of SoundCloud HQ streaming?
Our Hiqh Quality streaming format is encoded in 256kbps AAC. (equivalent to an mp3 encoded in 320kbps).
Which content will be available to stream in High Quality?
Tracks uploaded at lossless or a high bitrate will be available for streaming in high quality. We will continue to ensure that as much content as possible is available to our Go+ subscribers in high quality 256kbps AAC.
How do I enable High Quality streaming?
As a Go+ subscriber you can enable High Quality streaming from a computer directly from your settings page under streaming and then choosing High Quality audio:
You can access this feature by first going to your Library and then tapping the three dots in the top right corner to access your settings page. From that page choose ‘Streaming Quality’ and then tap ‘High Quality audio’.
You can activate this feature by tapping the bottom right symbol to access the ‘More’ page and then tapping ‘Settings’. From this menu Choose ‘Streaming Quality’ and then tap ‘High Quality audio’.
Are my offline saved tracks saved in High Quality?
Go+ users can now download high quality tracks offline to both iOS and Android devices.
On iOS, go to your Library and tap the three dots in the top right corner, then click on 'Settings' and then 'Downloads.' From there, you can chose to 'Download high quality audio.'
As a Creator, how do I ensure my tracks can be played in HQ?
Please note that only files that have been supplied in a lossless format (.wav, .flac, .alac, .aiff) will be transcoded to our High Quality format. You can find more information on preparing your tracks for HQ here