How can I change payment details?

SoundCloud DJ subscription information is always available under You can only change or cancel your subscription on a computer; this is not possible via the mobile app.


Is my DJ Subscription renewing or expiring?

If you are unsure whether your subscription is up for renewal or expiring in the next cycle, you can confirm this by "Expires" or "Renews" under the subscription name. The specific billing cycle dates will also be there.


SoundCloud DJ subscriptions auto-renew every 30 days, but you can opt out anytime during the current billing cycle. Changing payment details can only be done before the next billing cycle renews, which will be shown as "renews on ...."


How can I change my payment details?

We accept credit cards or PayPal for all subscriptions, but the process is different if you need to change the payment information, which can only be done via computer.


  • Credit Card
    For active subscriptions, go to "subscriptions" and click on the 'Use a different card' option. You can save the changes for your next billing cycle. For subscriptions that have already been canceled, simply wait for your subscription to expire and then make a new subscription using your preferred card.

  • PayPal
    Changing payment details with PayPal is considered a new subscription. Head over to "subscriptions" and cancel your current subscription. After this, wait for your subscription to expire, and then go ahead and subscribe again with your preferred PayPal details. The checkout link is here.
  • Apple app store
    Please follow the Apple instructions via this link.





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