Follow and unfollow other users

An important aspect of SoundCloud is the community we have, and following other members is a great way to find new music and audio to listen to. When you follow another user, their new tracks, playlists, and reposts will be displayed in your Stream as soon as they’re posted or uploaded. This makes it easy to stay up to date with your favorite artists and labels. The person who you follow doesn't have to follow you back for you to see their public updates.

You can find who you are following by going to your Library page to the Following tab

How to follow

To follow someone, you just need to navigate to their profile page and click the orange Follow button:

Additionally, you’ll see suggested accounts to follow on the right side of your Stream and Explore sections under 'Who to follow'.
Please note: We have on-site limits in place to encourage the growth of genuine, close-knit communities around creators’ tracks. These limits look for accounts which appear to be using features such as following, liking, reposting and messaging in ways other than intended, and can block access to that feature. Read more here

How to unfollow

To stop following someone, simply click the 'Following’ icon that appears to be an orange 'Follow' button again. The person will not be notified of your decision.

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