Insights basics

SoundCloud Insights are a great way of understanding and measuring how your music or audio is received. Review your plays, likes, reposts, comments and downloads, discover which of your tracks are performing best, and what countries and cities they’re most popular in. You can also see which websites, apps or RSS feeds they're being played from the most.

Glossary of Insights

Plays We count a play once the play button is clicked. If a listener is logged into their SoundCloud account, their plays will be tracked in real-time. If they are not logged in, their plays will be updated within 24 hours. We don’t count self-plays on your own tracks, since those are your own plays.

Plays cannot be removed from a track’s insights, and will appear below the track waveform and in your Insights page. All of this ensures your playcounts reflect real listeners, giving you the most accurate insights possible for your tracks.

For more details on the breakdown of play insights we offer, please go here.

Likes - Likes occur when you or a listener likes your track or playlist and saves it to their Collection to listen to again. Likes will appear publicly below your track or playlist’s waveform and in your Insights page. Read more about Likes here

Reposts - Reposts happen when a listener reposts your track or playlist to their profile. By reposting, the listener also shares your track or playlist to their followers’ Streams. Read more about reposts here

Comments - Comments can be a big indicator that your fans are engaging and enjoying your track. You can reply to comments to let your listeners know that you are reading what they have to say. Read more about comments here

Downloads - If you enable downloads for your track, your fans can download your track’s original file to their computer to listen to whenever they want. Read more about how to enable downloads here


Where you can view your insights

You can view insights in three places: your Track or Playlist page, the Insights Summary, and the Insights Overview page. Below, we will go into more detail about what kind of insights are available in each section. 

Track page - Below the waveform you will see how many overall plays, likes, comments, reposts and downloads your track has received. Please note: This is only for the web version of SoundCloud.



Playlist page - Below the waveform you will see how many likes and reposts your playlist has received. 


Insights Summary - Available on your Feed page, the Insights Summary shows how many plays you have received in the last 24 hours, and the last 7 days. 


Insights Overview - Your Insights Overview page shows an in-depth look at all of the tracks on your profile, and their insights compared to each other. You can break it down further by looking at each individual track, or category (plays, likes, comments, reposts or downloads).  



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