Policy Resources

Our Terms of Use, together with our Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy and Community Guidelines constitute a legally binding agreement between you and SoundCloud in relation to your use of the platform. 

As well as forming the legal basis for your use of SoundCloud, these important documents will help you to understand how you can uphold the values and expectations we have for the community. This section of the Help Center will explain in more detail our policies on specific issues like spam, hate speech and abusive behavior. 

Please review the resources available below: 

Terms of Use - This is the legal document that you agree to follow when you sign up for an account–think of it as the rules for using SoundCloud. 

Community Guidelines - This is where you can find out more about the expectations we have for everyone who uses SoundCloud. It is based on our Terms of Use, but uses less legal language, so it is easier to understand. 

Privacy Policy - This is where you can find out more about the specific data we collect, how we store it and what we use it for. 

Cookies Policy - This is part of our Privacy Policy but focuses more specifically on our use of cookies and related technologies. We also share more information on how you can opt-out of specific services. 

Copyright Page - Find out more about copyright and our approach to protecting creators rights. 

Law Enforcement Guidelines - This guide is for law enforcement authorities seeking information about SoundCloud users and accounts in the course of criminal investigations. It is also intended as a reference for SoundCloud users who are interested in finding out more about our policies and processes for handling law enforcement requests.


What else would you like to learn our policy on?


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