Sharing & Embedding FAQs

How do I embed a track or playlist in WordPress?

  1. Click on your track or playlist's 'Share' button
  2. Go to the 'Embed' tab to preview the embeddable player of your choice, then copy and paste the shortcode into a new or existing post or page on your WordPress site.
  3. Then, add the shortcode in the Text Editor. Make sure to put the code on its own line in your post. 



My track is not embedding properly in WordPress, my website or blog, what can I do?

First, make sure that you have selected the correct code when copy-pasting it from the Embed tab from the track or playlist's Share button.

Then, try to paste the embed code snippet in an custom HTML element. 

We also recommend not loading to many embeds on the same page. 

Finally, check if the track or playlist is still available on SoundCloud. It may be that the track or playlist is no longer available because:

  • It was deleted by the user
  • It was removed for Copyright infringement
  • It was hidden because the user went over their upload allowance
  • It was changed from public to privately available

If the track is available on SoundCloud and you are still seeing an error in the embedded player, begin by making sure that you are using a browser version that SoundCloud supports by checking our technical requirements. If you are using an earlier browser version, please upgrade it. 


My browser is up to date, what do I do?

Please try loading the page after following these steps:

  • Check our Status Blog to make sure that there are not any interruptions on site that could cause you difficulties loading the embedded player
  • Check to see if the page loads in another browser i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Edge
  • If applicable, try disabling anti virus and any Firewall’s your browser may have installed


My Share button has disappeared, what can I do?

Usually the reason why the Share button could be missing is because of ad blocker or another third party plugin in your browser. 
Please disable any plugins on your browser (AdBlock, Flashblock, Hola VPN, HTTPS everywhere, VLC Web plugin), since they might prevent SoundCloud from working properly.

Additionally, please disable or allow for an exemption on any pop up blocker, firewall, or antivirus on your computer.
You may also want to try a different browser if the issue persists.


Still need help? File a ticket.

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