Reporting an account

We support freedom of expression here at SoundCloud; even for individuals who might be expressing controversial opinions or beliefs. It’s important to remember that what is acceptable to one person, may be shocking to another. Just because you find something shocking or offensive does not mean that this content will be removed from SoundCloud.

For this reason, we advise if you do see or hear something that you don’t agree with, that you ignore it and if you can't avoid the material because it is personal and directed towards you, or another specific individual, this might be considered as harassment. You can find out more about this here.

Use the Block feature in order to stop an account from following, or interacting with you. When blocking an account you will also be given the option to remove reposts and comments made by that person on your account. However, please keep in mind that all profiles are public and accounts you have blocked will still be able to view your profile and listen to your sounds.


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